Social Sciences and Childhood
2024. Vol. 5, no. 4, 44–64
ISSN: 2713-0584 (online)
Restructuring and Reforming Organizations for Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care: from a Variety of Forms of Organization to a Unified Model
The system of institutions for children left without parents exists all over the world, and according to researchers, there are more children in institutionalized conditions in high-income countries. In Russia, over the past twenty years, there have been significant changes in the situation of orphans and children left without parental care — the number of students in organizations has decreased by about 5-6 times (from 180 thousand in 2006 to 32 thousand in 2024), and accordingly, the number of organizations for them has tripled. The living conditions have improved significantly: small to 8 people. groups in conditions close to family conditions; receiving education outside the organization. The article describes the results of an analysis of legislation and state policy in the field of prevention of social orphanhood, which made it possible to identify the goals and stages of restructuring and reforming organizations for orphans and children left without parental care. Conducted a survey of heads of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care (N=173 people out of 63 subjects of the Russian Federation), it was possible to identify and describe five models of organizations in the regions, their readiness for further broader restructuring of the system of organizations for different categories of children in need of state protection and assistance.
General Information
Keywords: orphans, organization for orphans, unified model, mixed model, restructuring, reform
Journal rubric: Social Psychology
Article type: scientific article
Funding. The study was carried out to fulfill state assignment No. 073-00037-24-01 by the Ministry of Educa-tion of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2024 “Scientific and methodological support for the development of a unified organization model for orphans and children left without parental care, of all ages and developmental characteristics and its approbation in at least 15 subjects of the Rus-sian Federation”.
Received: 04.12.2024
For citation: Semya G.V., Lashkul M.V., Yarovikova O.A., Merkul I.A. Restructuring and Reforming Organizations for Orphans and Children Left without Parental Care: from a Variety of Forms of Organization to a Unified Model [Elektronnyi resurs]. Sotsial’nye nauki i detstvo = Social Sciences and Childhood, 2024. Vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 44–64. DOI: 10.17759/ssc.2024050403. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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