19th-Century Archival Materials on Sinology in the New Issue of “Language and Text”

The new issue of the international scientific journal “Language and Text”, no. 2-2023, is out. The section “General and Comparative Historical Linguistics” opens the issue, focusing on the role of axiology in social advertising for youth, contextual meanings of words in publicist texts, problems of Avar morphology (Z. Mallaeva), and the interrelationship between philosophy, psychology and linguistics highlighted in the British anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski’s conception. Ethiopian scholars (E. Hussien and A.M. Mekonnen) consider Amharic media communication features, analyzing the criteria behind the stylistic use of English loanwords.
The section “World Literature. Textology” includes works containing topical problems of literary studies, as well as previously unpublished archival materials of K.A. Skachkov, a researcher who described 19th-century China’s agriculture, economic, cultural and political structure (E.E. Vishnevskaya). E.V. Kulicheva explores the verbalization of the concept “desire” in Soviet writer F.A. Vigdorova’s creativity. A.V. Petrov’s and O.Yu. Kolesnikova’s work is devoted to the Russian literature formation period — they examine Petr Buslaev’s visionary poem “Spiritual Vision…” (1734). A psycholinguistic experiment on the native Russian and German speakers’ perception of German poetry and its results are described in I.V. Voropaeva’s and L.V. Velichkova’s article.
The section “Linguodidactics and Innovations. Psychological Basis of Learning Languages and Cultures” includes an article “Students’ Practices and Perceptions of Autonomous Language Learning: The Case of Addis Ababa Science and Technology University” analyzing students’ attitudes towards autonomous English learning.