Style Mix: Student Learning and Cognitive Styles
The results of theoretical analysis and empirical research of learning styles and cognitive styles of higher education humanities students are presented. Learning styles are considered as an individual combination of cognitive-personal properties that provide understanding and thinking (G. Lefransua), and styles of activity (training/thinking) in the context of D. Kolb's theory of learning cycles, with subsequent concretization by the provisions of P. Honi and A. Mumford. The analysis of cognitive styles is carried out based on the theory of metastyls and the configuration of cognitive styles. The structure of training styles and the profile of cognitive styles of respondents are determined. Three groups of students were identified by the configuration of the poles of cognitive styles, and it was revealed that students of helping professions do not differ in the degree of severity of utility dependence and tendency to a wide range of equivalence. Based on the posterior criterion, the differences between the identified clusters were specified, which allows differentiating groups of students and introducing student-centered innovative educational technologies.
General Information
Keywords: learning styles, cognitive styles, metastyle, cognitive style poles, personality questionnaire, learning profile
Publication rubric: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching in a Digital Educational Environment and Issues of Digital Didactics
Article type: theses
Funding. The study was carried out with the financial support of the State Program for Scientific Research of the Republic of Belarus (SPSR) within the framework of the scientific project No. State Registration 20210511.
For citation: Drozdova N.V., Zhuravkina I.S., Lobanov A.P. Style Mix: Student Learning and Cognitive Styles. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2023),, pp. 695–709.
Information About the Authors
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