Finding a Concept that Integrates Specialists' Know How — The Case of Special School for Handicapped and Neurologically ill Children



The integration of specialised knowledge and knowhow from many areas is needed to meet demanding challenges and a new path for development. In practice, this is, however, difficult. In the literature on collaboration between specialists representing different areas of expertise, much has been discussed about how coordination and exchange over disciplinary boundaries is possible. The development and function of integrative concepts in collaboration has been studied less. The concept of the object of an activity developed in the tradition of cultural historical activity theory can clarify the difference between the coordination of specialists' contributions and the genuine integration of know-how. One of the activities that call for the integration of knowledge and skills from several areas of expertise is the upbringing of handicapped, neurologically ill children. In this article, we will describe a developmental intervention in which a new collaborative way of working between teachers, therapists and nurses was created. Instead of coordinating their different activities, the representatives of these professions started to collaboratively design and structure individual pupils' daily activities so that they became rehabilitative.

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Ключевые слова: Integration of knowledge, substantive generalisation, boundary crossing, Change Laboratory, rehabilitation, school for handicapped children

Рубрика издания: Специальная психология

Тип материала: научная статья

Для цитаты: Вирккунен Я. Finding a Concept that Integrates Specialists' Know How — The Case of Special School for Handicapped and Neurologically ill Children // Культурно-историческая психология. 2011. Том 7. № 4. С. 29–39.


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Информация об авторах

Вирккунен Яакко, почетный профессор Центра изучения деятельности, развития и обучения (CRADLE) института наук о поведении университета Хельсинки, Хельсинки, Финляндия, e-mail:



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