Expert facial comparison evidence: Science versus pseudo science



Confirming the identity of the accused is a critical component of many criminal trials. However, recent evidence suggests this process is highly error prone and leads to unacceptably high rates of wrongful conviction (Innocence Project, 2015). When photographic identification evidence is ambiguous, facial mapping practitioners may be called upon to make comparisons between images of the culprit and the accused. This practice assumes that the techniques employed are reliable and can be used to assist the court in making identity confirmation decisions. However, previous experimental work in this area has established that many of these techniques are unreliable (Kleinberg, Vanezis & Burton, 2007; Strathie, McNeill & White, 2012). We extend these findings by examining another facial mapping technique that uses gridlines, drawn between face-pairs, as a potential face matching aid (Oxlee, 2007). Results show that a simple side-by-side presentation of face-pairs without gridlines produces most accurate responding. Moreover, the application of the grideline technique increases the likelihood that two different face pairs will judged to be the same. These findings suggest that continuing to admit facial mapping evidence in court is likely to increase, rather than decrease, the incidence of wrongful conviction.

Общая информация

Ключевые слова: facial comparison, identification of persons

Рубрика издания: Зарубежные исследования по юридической психологии

Тип материала: научная статья


Для цитаты: Макнейл А., Сухомска М., Страти А. Expert facial comparison evidence: Science versus pseudo science [Электронный ресурс] // Психология и право. 2015. Том 5. № 4. С. 127–140. DOI: 10.17759/psylaw.2015050411


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Информация об авторах

Макнейл Аллан, PhD, факультет психологии, социальной работы и смежных с медициной наук, Университет Глазго Каледониан, Великобритания, e-mail:

Сухомска Моника, Факультет психологии, социальной работы и смежных с медициной наук, Университет Глазго Каледониан, Великобритания

Страти Айлса, Школа энергетики, наук о Земле, инфраструктуры и общества, Хериот-Уатт Университет, Великобритания



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