The Quality of Higher Education in the Era of Digitalization
The widespread dissemination of information technology inevitably leads to significant changes in various spheres of human life, including higher education. To create the necessary conditions for this, significant transformations of higher education systems are taking place around the world. In addition, the concept of quality in higher education is also undergoing changes in connection with these transformations. This research is aimed to determine the qualitative characteristics of current higher education programs that reflect the quality of education from students’ perspective as well as assess whether the education programs of Peter the Great Polytechnic university are quality. The conducted research included 2 stages. The first involved defining the characteristics of quality education in the current realities. The second stage took place a year after the first survey and offered to students a survey in which they had to assess the quality of the educational programs provided. The total number of participants in the sample was 131 at first stage and 127 at second stage. It can be concluded that, from the point of view of students, the learning process is currently impossible without digital space, since students prefer to listen to lectures online, have online access to course materials, study using modern electronic devices and use electronic educational resources. The results of second survey showed the satisfaction of students with the quality of learning, but also weak spheres were determined - equipment in the campus and development of information technology skills during learning. So, the recommendation could be the renovation of equipment and introduction of an advanced course in the field of information technology.
Общая информация
Рубрика издания: Цифровая трансформация и онлайн-образование: технологии, инструменты, модели
Тип материала: материалы конференции
Для цитаты: Кобичева А.М. The Quality of Higher Education in the Era of Digitalization // Цифровая гуманитаристика и технологии в образовании (DHTE 2024): сб. статей V международной научно-практической конференции. 14—15 ноября 2024 г. / Под ред. В.В. Рубцова, М.Г. Сороковой, Н.П. Радчиковой М.: Издательство ФГБОУ ВО МГППУ, 2024. С. 271–281.
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