Autism and Developmental Disorders
2023. Vol. 21, no. 4, 15–25
ISSN: 1994-1617 / 2413-4317 (online)
The Problem of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Physical Development Programs for Children with ASD. An Example of the Implementation of the Intensive Motor Training Program “Out Fitness”
Objectives. Motor disorders can be one of the early predictors of autism, and also reduce the potential for developing social interaction skills. This makes the problem of diagnosing motor development in children with ASD relevant and necessitates taking into account the difficulties specific to children of this category that affect the interpretation of test results, which was the purpose of the study.
Methods. The study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the program of intensive motor training “Aut Fitness” was carried out by the method of case analysis for a child 5 years 10 months with a diagnosis of autism and severe motor disorders. Motor impairment may be an early predictor of autism and also reduces the potential for developing social interaction skills. The article discusses the problem of diagnosing motor development in children with ASD and the need to take into account difficulties specific to children in this category that affect the interpretation of test results. The intervention was planned based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis using the author’s “FizRas” algorithm, which included motor tests adapted for children with developmental disorders and assessment of the development of everyday motor skills (questioning of parents). The goals of the program: development of muscle strength in the main parts of the body, development of coordination abilities and correction of behavior during training.
Results. Diagnostics of motor development indicators after the training revealed an increase in independence when performing motor tests, as well as an improvement in speed and strength qualities, coordination and endurance.
Conclusions. Аchieving the goals of the program for physical development and behavior correction contributed to the improvement of motor activity in everyday life, as well as the sensitivity of the developed diagnostic algorithm “FizRas” to changes in the parameters of the child’s motor activity even with short-term intervention.
General Information
Keywords: spectrum disorders (ASD); adaptive physical education; diagnostics of motor skills; the “Aut Fit- ness” technology; correctional program for motor functions development; behavioral disorders
Journal rubric: Interventions for ASD: Evidence-Based Approach
Article type: scientific article
Received: 13.11.2023
For citation: Soloveva M.V., Davydov D.V., Movchan A.A., Zhang Ji. The Problem of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Physical Development Programs for Children with ASD. An Example of the Implementation of the Intensive Motor Training Program “Out Fitness”. Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya = Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2023. Vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 15–25. DOI: 10.17759/autdd.2023210402. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
Full text
- Gym preferences: touching the fitball with hands, jumping briefly on the bosu, rubbing belly on the bosu, touching 3-5 seconds on prickly surfaces and new objects, running chaotically around the gym.
- Condition of the musculoskeletal apparatus: increase in lumbar lordosis; shoulders are often raised, neck muscles are tense, does not keep the back straight in sitting position; walks on socks, non-rhythmic walking and chaotic running with autostimulation is observed, does not coordinate the work of hands and feet, lack of imitation.
- Peculiarities of behavior and communication: field behavior, does not sit and does not stand still, protests, refusals to perform any exercise, lack of understanding of verbal constructions, lack of speech, frequent self-stimulation: bouncing, circling around, waving hands and clapping, vocalizations, twirling objects near the eyes. Lack of motivation and interest in exercises and in interaction with an adult. The proposed tasks at the first session could perform no more than 5-10 seconds.
- Behavior correction
- At the beginning of the class: stimulation of sensory systems using favorite activities and exercises - rocking on a fitball, full body massage with sensory rollers, deep kneading of hands, feet, passive gymnastics.
- Lining up and clearly following the order "Exercise first - then favorite activity".
- Gradual increase in dosing of load: from 10 seconds at the initial stage to 30 seconds of work in the exercise by the end of the course.
- Physical development
- Strengthening of arm muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, legs.
- 2. Interaction with balls of different sizes.
- 3. Development of static and dynamic equilibrium.
- 4. Development of motor planning of motor actions, interhemispheric connections.
- Preparatory part: greeting ritual, sensory warm-up.
- Main part: isolated exercises for the development of physical qualities, passing the obstacle course.
- Final part: ball games, massage, free time for favorite games. Cleaning of the equipment. Farewell.
Motor skills |
Motor test |
Test scores before/. after |
Need for before/after support (points) |
1 |
Speed qualities |
running on the spot for 10 seconds - (number of times)
0/0 |
2 |
Speed and strength qualities |
long jump (cm)
0/5 |
0/1 |
throwing a 1 kg ball with two hands from behind the head while standing (cm) |
0/25 |
0/2 |
throwing a tennis ball at a target (number of times) |
left - 0/2 right - 0/2
0/2 |
3 |
Static endurance |
Plank (straight arms lying on a gymnastics bench) (sec) |
0/6 |
0/2 |
4 |
Coordination skills |
Static equilibrium |
one-leg stand (sec)
0/2 |
0/1 |
Dynamic balance, coordination |
walking on a log (number of times)
0/6 |
0/2 |
stepping over 5 objects (number of times) |
0/5 |
1/3 |
crawling on all fours 5 m (sec) |
13/9 |
3/3 |
Agility and coordination |
zig-zag with touching 3 cones (number of times) |
0/1 |
0/1 |
catching the ball with two hands (number of times) |
0/2 |
0/3 |
Coordination, strength |
climbing the gymnastics wall (sec) |
0/18 |
0/3 |
5 |
Flexibility |
forward bend from sitting position (cm) |
0/0 |
0/0 |
Name of motor skill |
before |
after |
1 |
Brushes his teeth |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Opens the doors |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Changing clothes |
1 |
2 |
4 |
Shifting |
3 |
3 |
5 |
Riding a scooter |
0 |
0 |
6 |
Riding a bicycle |
0 |
0 |
7 |
Wipes his hands with a towel |
0 |
0 |
8 |
Holds household items (comb, fork, spoon, etc.) firmly point |
1 |
2 |
9 |
Goes up and down stairs without support |
1 |
2 |
10 |
Jumps over obstacles (puddles, curbs, etc.) |
2 |
3 |
- The "FizRas" diagnostic algorithm is sensitive enough to assess the dynamics of motor abilities and skills development indicators even with short-term intervention.
- As a result of an intensive course of adaptive physical training under the program "Out Fitness", a child with ASD has improved motor skills and expanded the repertoire of motor actions, which is confirmed by the indicators of the following tests: stepping over 5 objects, running zig zag, standing on one leg, walking on a log, catching and throwing a ball with two hands, throwing a tennis ball at a target with the right and left hands, climbing a gymnastic wall, plank.
- Achievement of the set goals of the correctional program for physical development and behavior correction contributed to an increase in the volume of motor activity in the child's daily life.
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