Chronotopos as the Intersection of Past and Future, Present and ... “a Make-Beliefs”



This article attempts to analyze the scientific evolution of chronotopos (time-space) idea as a psychological phenomenon starting from the works of A.A. Ukhtomsky and M.M. Bakhtin up to I.A. Arshavsky and V.P. Zinchenko. Also we extrapolate the notion to the field of pedagogical reality – to the education of a man. The principle axis of subjective time is proposed: present (true) – “a make-belief” (futile). The signs of time authenticity – the goals and meanings, and signs of its futility – fuss, vanity and boredom, are revealed. The pedagogical pattern of loss of the eternity’s negative entropy component with its subsequent transformation into the entropic component of temporariness is presented. Thus, the model of disappearance of the chronotopos authenticity and completeness and its turning into a vain and futile “moment between past and future” is described. The fundamental difference between educational events as the attributes of eternity and educational activities as characteristics of temporariness is revealed. It is concluded that if an educatee does not have own goals, plans and expectations and, therefore, in the absence of eventfulness the “education” is reduced to the task of increasing the engrossment, comprehension and oversight of a child which leads to the loss of a genuine process of education.

General Information

Keywords: chronotopos (time-space), subjective time, functional organs, fuss and vanity, boredom, education by events, education by activities, temporality, eternity

Journal rubric: Theory and Methodology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Ostapenko A.A. Chronotopos as the Intersection of Past and Future, Present and ... “a Make-Beliefs”. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2010. Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 2–6. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Andrey A. Ostapenko, Doctor of Education, Professor, Kuban State University, Professor at the and Ekaterinodar Theological Seminary, senior research fellow and leading specialist at the Federal Institute of Education Development, honored teacher of Kuban, Krasnodar, Russia, e-mail:



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