Cultural-Historical Psychology
2016. Vol. 12, no. 4, 26–38
ISSN: 1816-5435 / 2224-8935 (online)
Notes on L.S. Vygotsky’s Theatrical Reviews
General Information
Keywords: psychology of art, L.S. Vygotsky, sign, meaning, theatre, theatrical reviews
Journal rubric: Memorable Dates
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Sobkin V.S. Notes on L.S. Vygotsky’s Theatrical Reviews. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2016. Vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 26–38. DOI: 10.17759/chp.2016120403. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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- Vygotskii L.S. Bez rulya i bez vetril [Without a rud- der and without sails]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 28. 12.03.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Gastroli “Krasnogo fakela”. Sverchok na pechi. — Sobaka na sene. Okean. Pobeda smerti [The visit of the “Red torch”. The cricket on the hearth. The dog in the manger. The ocean. The victory of death]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 39. 04.06.1923, pp. 3.
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- Vygotskii L.S. Gastroli E.V. Gel’tser [Tour Geltser]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1922, no. 3, 11.09.1922, pp. 4.
- Vygotskii L.S. Gastroli Krasnogo fakela. Zelenoe kol’tso — Mladost’ — Monna Vanna [Tour red torch. Green ring. Mladost. Monna Vanna]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Mon- day], 1923, no. 40, 11.06.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Gastroli Krasnogo fakela. Shut na trone. Igra interesov [Tour red torch. Jester on the throne. — A game of interest]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 41, 18.06.1923, pp. 3.
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- Vygotskii L.S. Gastroli truppy Azagarovoi [Tour Aga- zarova’s troupe]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 37, 21.05.1923, pp. 4.
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- Vygotskii L.S. Durak-khamka [The Fool — boorish]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1922, no. 9, 23.10.1922, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Evreiskii teatr. Benefis S.I. Eidel’man [The Jewish theatre. Benefis S.I. Eidelman]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 36, 14.05.1923, pp. 3.
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- Vygotskii L.S. Zapozdalye otzyvy [The Delayed feedback]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 22, 22.01.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Kakoi schastliveishii den’ vashei zhizni, ili Vosklitsatel’nyi znak! [What is the happiest day of your life, or splat!]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 28, 12.03.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Komediya dvora [The Comedy of the yard]. Polesskaya pravda [Polesskaya pravda],1923, no. 1029, 21.10.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Korolevskii bradobrei [Royal Bar- ber]. Polesskaya pravda [Polesskaya pravda], 1923, no. 1025, 17.10.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Krasnyi fakel [The Red torch]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 38, 28.05.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Malen’kie kusochki teatra [The Lit- tle piece of theatre]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 28,12.03.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Na dne [At the bottom]. Polesskaya pravda [Polesskaya pravda], 1923, no. 1043, 09.11.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Ne sovsem retsenzii. Meshchane [Not quite reviews. Commoners]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 27, 27.05.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Ne sovsem retsenziya. Kovarstvo i ly- ubov’. Sokoly i vorony [Not really a review. Intrigue and love — the Falcons and the ravens]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1922, no.11, 06.11.1922, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Nechayannaya radost’ [The unexpected joy]. Polesskaya pravda [Polesskaya pravda], 1923, no. 1058, 27.11.1923, pp. 4.
- Vygotskii L.S. Ob avtore “ne sovsem retsenzii” [About the author “not quite reviews”]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Mon- day], 1923, no. 28, 12.03.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Orlenok. Uchenik d’yavola [Eaglet. The devil’s Disciple]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1922, no. 14, 27.11.1922, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Pervaya lastochka, “Dybuk” v post- anovke Rubina [The First swallow, “Dybuk” directed by Ru- bin]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 32, 09.04.1923, pp. 4.
- Vygotskii L.S. Poslednii spektakl’ [The Last per- formance]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], 1923, no. 28, 12.03.1923, pp. 3.
- Vygotskii L.S. Prestuplenie i nakazanie. Zolotaya osen’. Na dne [Crime and punishment. Golden autumn. At the bot- tom]. Nash ponedel’nik [Our Monday], no. 4, 18.09.1922, pp. 3.
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