Establishment of Experimental Ethno-Psychology in Kazakhstan



In this study, the authors discuss the fundamental stages of the process of the formation of “experimental ethno-psychology,” using a scientific approach to analyze phenomena defined by the “group nature” of their appearance, manifestation and permeation into various communal structures, such as “nationality” and “ethnicity.” Data was gathered about “ethnic” particulars of cognitive perception, research of the phenomenon of “ethnic prejudices” was done, and the psychological mechanisms and dynamics of the aforementioned were studied. Other researches cover such questions as: the particulars of ethnic self-perception, ethnic self-identification, self-actualization by representatives of various ethnic groups, psychological challenges in ethno-cultural “marginality” and psycholinguistic particulars of data processing by bilingual representatives. The fact is stressed, that it is an inarguable pre-requisite, for the further development of experimental ethno-psychology, that a comprehensive experimental-empirical method be developed. The advantages of a method or performing ethno-psychological studies, suggested by the authors, is discussed, which is based upon the modeling of virtual experimental “mono-ethnic” groups (as independent variables), and also the perspectives of using this method in ethno-psychological field research.

General Information

Keywords: experimental ethno-psychology, comprehensive experimental-ethno-psychological method, virtual independent experimental variables, ethno-psychological experimental technology

Journal rubric: Methodology of Psychological Research

For citation: Dzhakupov S.M., Madalieva Z.B. Establishment of Experimental Ethno-Psychology in Kazakhstan. Eksperimental'naâ psihologiâ = Experimental Psychology (Russia), 2009. Vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 128–135. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

S. M. Dzhakupov, Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Chair of Ethnical and Pedagogical Psychology, Al Farabi Kazakhstan National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zabira B. Madalieva, PhD in Psychology, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, Kainar University, Kazakhstan



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