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Puchkova A.N., Tkachenko O.N., Dorokhov V.B. Experimental model aimed to study mental fatigue and adaptive function of a daytime nap for restoration of operational capability pp. 48–60 PDF (in rus.) 1466
Korolkova O.A. The effect of categoricality of perception: the main approaches and psychophysical models pp. 61–75 PDF (in rus.) 1613
Murasheva O.V., Almayev N.A. The hierarchy of motives and the diversity of motivation of activity: combined application of questionnaire and content-analysis techniques pp. 76–86 PDF (in rus.) 1978
Nevryuev A.N., Mohova S.B. Features of strategies of conflict behavior of students (of psychological and nonpsychological specialties) pp. 87–97 PDF (in rus.) 2676
Groshev I.V. Individually-personal and gender-sexual peculiarities voting determination of electors in candidates information deficit conditions pp. 98–118 PDF (in rus.) 1057
Kosova A.N. Polarizing effect of the situational context on direct and indirect evaluation of emotionally meaningful words pp. 119–136 PDF (in rus.) 1189
Nuriakhmetov A.K. Psycholinguistic correlates of progress in English language pp. 137–141 PDF (in rus.) 892