Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology
2013. Vol. 2, no. 2, 29–43
ISSN: 2304-4977 (online)
Review of the Article by Orlando Lourenco:Piaget and Vygotsky: Many resemblances, and a crucial difference(NewIdeasinPsychology 30 (2012) P. 281-295)
General Information
Keywords: Piaget; Vygotsky; Autonomy; Heteronomy; Development; Learning
Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology and Age-Related Psychology
Article type: review article
For citation: Ermolova Т.V., Alexeyeva G.V. Review of the Article by Orlando Lourenco:Piaget and Vygotsky: Many resemblances, and a crucial difference(NewIdeasinPsychology 30 (2012) P. 281-295) [Elektronnyi resurs]. Sovremennaia zarubezhnaia psikhologiia = Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology, 2013. Vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 29–43. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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