The electronic journal “Modern Foreign Psychology” publishes analytic reviews based on English-language and Russian research literature on topical problems of psychology and related sciences
Authors’ guidelines
“Modern Foreign Psychology” welcomes original high-quality papers in Russian and English for publication. The manuscripts should be scholarly article with a consistent manner throughout the text, and clear conclusions.
Authors are strongly advised to stick to the following guidelines in preparing their manuscripts for submission.
1.Form of manuscript’s submission
Manuscripts are provided in MS Word format and are submitted by e-mail at the following address:
1.1. Manuscript Preparation
1.1.1.The recommended line spacing of the text is 1,5; font - Times New Roman, 14 points, page number in footer, right; margins 3,0 cm (left), 1,5 (right), 2,0 (top and bottom)
1.1.2. Article title: Title (centered, capital letters, bold, without full stop at the end); if the research was supported by a grant or special program, please, insert a footnote indicating it.
1.1.3 Author(s)’ surname and first name is placed on the right hand side in bold, author’s initials go first, then goes the author’s surname (N.N.Surname)
1.1.4. The abstract (not more than 1500 spaced symbols) should be precise enough to represent the essence of the article. It shouldn’t contain abbreviations (except common ones) and literature references.
1.1.5. Key words in English and in Russian should be introduced in the same order and contain 5-10 basic conceptual terms mentioned in the article. It is recommended to arrange them in the following order: first go general notions, then special terms. It is not allowed to use long phrases, professional jargon or neologisms as key words. Key words in English are supposed to preserve the original spelling.
1.1.6. The manuscript length (including references) should be approximately to 25,000 symbols (with spaces).
1.1.7. References and reference list
All the works mentioned or quoted in the text should be listed under the Subtitle “References” at the end of the article in alphabetical order. References in the text include the number of the work at the “References” list in square brackets and, in case of quoting, number of the page quoted, e.g., [5, p. 80].
The References list is arranged in the alphabetic order and is placed right after the corresponding title at the end of the article. It should meet the following requirements of State Standard dated 7.0.5-2008:
Author’s surname and initials should be in italic, surname in the first place: Smith J.S.
Year, volume and issue of a journal are separated by full stops and spaces: «1992. V. 29. № 2». Please, use symbol № to indicate the issue.
Use commonly established abbreviations indicating the city of publishing, e.g. L. (London), N.Y. (New York).
Do not indicate the publishing house details.
Follow the patterns below to arrange the reference list:
A Book:
Асмолов А.Г. Культурно-историческая психология и конструирование миров. Москва: Институт практической психологии; Воронеж: Модэк, 1996. 768 с.
A Russian article:
Поддьяков А.Н. Философия образования: проблема противодействия // Вопросы философии. 1999. № 8. С. 119-128.
A Foreign article:
Baydar N., Brooks-Gunn J. Effects of maternal employment and child-care arrangements on preschooler's cognitive and behavioral outcomes : Evidence from the children of the national longitudinal survey of youth / Nazli Baydar, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn // Developmental Psychology. 1991. Vol. 27, № 6. P. 932-945.
A web publication:
Лефевр В.А. Конфликтующие структуры [Электронный ресурс]. М., 2000. URL:
Поддьяков А.Н. Образ мира и вопросы сознательности учения [Электронный ресурс]: современный контекст // Вопросы психологии. 2003. № 2. URL:
2. Illustrations, Tables, Graphs and Charts
If illustrations are inserted into the text file they should be additionally provided in separate files. Graphic files should have titles that help to understand which article they refer to and where their places in the article are. Each graphic file should contain one illustration.
Tables, graphs and charts should contain all information necessary for their proper interpretation, such as a legend, name and values of the axes, etc. Their formatting should exclusively be based on black and white effects, as no colors can be used in the publication process.
2.1. Tables
All tables in the text should contain explicit indication in Arabic figures of the number of the object they are referring to.
Abbreviations are not appropriate in the tables. The word “Table” and its number are typed in bold and the title of the table - in ordinary type.
2.2. Pictures
Pictures should be clear, sharp and contain legends corresponding to the text of the article. Photos are provided in lossless format with minimal resolution 800x600 pixels. Authors bear responsibility for the quality of pictures and photos. Picture title should be preceded by abbreviation “Рис.” and a corresponding number typed in italic font. Picture title goes in regular font. The single picture in the article does not require numeration and its design remains the same.
The title of the picture is placed at the bottom of the picture. All the legends of illustrative materials (graphs, diagrams etc) are placed at the right hand side of the picture.
3. Manuscript content requirements
Manuscript should justify new methodological or theoretical approaches; contain new findings; deep analysis of the existing perspectives and obtained results. It is recommended to avoid ambiguous statements or exceedingly long sentences, metaphors, duplications, allegory, journalistic or popular styles and neologisms in the text of the article. The newly introduced notions are recommended to be explained at the beginning of the article.
4. Author’s profile
4.1. Authors personal information is presented in a separate file (in Word format) and includes the following information
First name, last name
Academic degree
Academic status
Work address (postal, including zip code)
Contacts (phone/fax)
E-mail (and personal web-page if available)
4.2. The author’s photo (JPG, 300 Х 400 px minimum) is to be attached.
4.3. The manuscript should be thoroughly edited by the author to avoid misprints or accidental loss of its parts. Please revise the enumeration of tables and pictures and references to them in the text of the article. Inverted commas of “chevrons” type is to be used in the text of the article.
5. Rules for consideration and review of manuscripts
5.1. The editorial board contacts the authors only in case of accepting their manuscripts for publishing
5.2. Editorial reviews of the manuscripts are purposed for internal usage only.
5.3. Reviews are prepared within 2 (two) months since the date of manuscript’s submission.
5.4. Submitted materials are subject to a thorough selection and review procedure. Editors will work in close contact with authors to implement suggested recommendations for revision. In practice, this often involves more than one round of editing.
5.5. In case certain rules of manuscript submission are violated by the author(s) the editorial board has a right for publication refusal without carrying out any theoretical discussions.