Experimental Psychology (Russia) (2015. Vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 215–226)
Nadegda Vladimirovna Tarabrina
PsyJournalsID: 2052
Doctor of Psychology, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Developmental Psychology of the Subject in Normal and Post-traumatic states, Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPRAN), Moscow, Russia, nvtarab@gmail.com
Last updated: 31.05.2024
Journal Articles on PsyJournals.ru Portal 5
Kharlamenkova N. E., Tarabrina N.V., Nikitina D.A.
Experimental Psychology (Russia) (2015. Vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 37–46)
Tarabrina N.V., Kharlamenkova N. E., Nikitina D.A.
Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy (2015. Vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 32–49)
Tarabrina N.V.
Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy (2014. Vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 40–63)
Tarabrina N.V., Main N.V.
Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy (2013. Vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 96–119)