Cultural-Historical Psychology
2024. Vol. 20, no. 4, 78–87
ISSN: 1816-5435 / 2224-8935 (online)
Cultural Norm and Personal Security: The Bifurcation Point of the Sociocultural System
The work examines the current state of the sociocultural environment and raises the question of how to assess the direction of cultural changes. The author argues for the divergence cultural and civilizational development vectors and posits that the primary contradiction within the sociocultural system, in the present cultural-historical context, arises from the dichotomy of The identified trends in civilizational development necessitate a reevaluation of fundamental cultural norms related to human security, highlighting a critical juncture in the evolution of these security norms. Consequently, addressing the issue of changing norms is linked to the concept of artification, which refers to the transformation of the natural into the artificial, and naturalization, which denotes the conversion of the artificial into the natural. In this context, the sociocultural system is analyzed through the lens of processes of reproduction and development, particularly in relation to the transformations in the context of the “naturalization and artification”. Based on the information presented, the objective of this work is to establish a theoretical framework for analyzing the key concepts of the sociocultural system within the space-time continuum of contemporary reality through the application of bifurcation theory. This study offers a theoretical and methodological justification for utilizing bifurcation theory in the examination of sociocultural systems and elaborates on the essence and content of the theoretical construct. According to bifurcation theory, the sociocultural system encompasses three parameters: phase space, time, and the laws of evolution, which collectively enable us to describe the state of the system. The author outlines the key dynamic and system-forming characteristics of a sociocultural system. In conclusion, a sociocultural system, as defined by bifurcation theory, can be conceptualized as a space comprising three topologically equivalent planes: material existence (activities influenced by the type of civilization), cultural existence (cultural norms and standards), and spiritual existence (personal meanings and superordinate values). The multidimensional analysis of time cycles indicates that the sociocultural system is currently undergoing a qualitative transformation, during which the control parameters of the system—specifically security and subjectivity—are evolving. This qualitative transition in the system necessitates the selection of a trajectory for the development of cultural norms, particularly in the context of disrupted cycles of cultural translation and the rapid emergence of new elements within intellectualized digital spaces.
General Information
Keywords: a sociocultural system, cultural norm, personal security, subjectivity, normal regulation, activity, bifurcation theory
Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology
Article type: scientific article
Funding. This paper has been supported by the Kazan Federal University Strategic Academic Leadership Program (PRIORITY-2030)
Received: 11.05.2024
For citation: Gilemkhanova E.N. Cultural Norm and Personal Security: The Bifurcation Point of the Sociocultural System. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2024. Vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 78–87. DOI: 10.17759/chp.2024200409. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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