Karyagina T.D. Where the empathy came from to psychotherapy: Carl Rogers' psychoanalytic predecessors and successors pp. 8–33 PDF (in rus.) 3035
Topolskaja T.A. The concept of "dialogue" in psychological research of communication and the consultative practice (Part II) pp. 34–63 PDF (in rus.) 2079
Pogodin I.A. Model of contact in psychotherapy in terms of dialog and phenomenological field to the aims of feeling-based counseling practiсe pp. 64–82 PDF (in rus.) 885
Lomova M.V. Visible and invisible communication spaces and dimensions between psychoanalytic and his /her client pp. 83–105 PDF (in rus.) 897
Boulioubash I.D. The psychotherapy in rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury pp. 119–138 PDF (in rus.) 893
Yesipchuk M.S. The experience of application of J.Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory at school pp. 139–152 PDF (in rus.) 1445
Mikhailova E.L. From Russia with love (20th anniversary of Russian psychodrama) pp. 153–168 PDF (in rus.) 533
Fedunina N.Y., Chursina E.A. Multilevel model of a helpline quality assessment pp. 183–204 PDF (in rus.) 576
Mikhailova E.L. «With an informal friendly visit…» (two conferences and modern time challenges ) pp. 208–213 PDF (in rus.) 579