Formation of the new informational-and-educational environment of the higher school



The author shows how necessary it is to form the new informational-and-educational environment ( the IEE) of the Higher School and reveals its key characteristics. The main attribute of the essence of the new IEE of the Higher School is the cardinally updat ed basis of its contents. The new formation cha racter is made by the components preconditioned by the new demands to experts and caused by the basic changes in economics, labour market and professional environment. The new features of the Higher School of the IEE are influenced by social, socialandcultural environment adequate to the society of new Russia. The distinctive attribute of the new IEE of the Higher School is the access of participants involved in the educa tional process to local and global information networks. Telecommunicational technologies serve as the organizationalandtechnological basis of the IEE. The author points out that almost all attempts to reveal the concept of the IEE of the Higher School exaggerate it's techno cratic character and as the result its contents is outside of the field of vision. The author gives his own interpretation of the key concept, shows functional structure of the IEE of the Higher School and necessity of special projecting of this concept, formulates the princi ples of projection and the basic preconditions of creation and development of the new IEE of the Higher School, the directions of the elaborators' activity. The special attention is given to the questions of formation of the highquality contents of the IEE of the Higher School, the organization of interaction of participants of educational process. The author emphasizes the role of informational system of the Higher School, providing function ing of the new IEE.

General Information

Journal rubric: Educational Psychology

For citation: Lobanova E.V. Formation of the new informational-and-educational environment of the higher school. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2005. Vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 38–46. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Elena V. Lobanova, PhD in Psychology, Dean of the Faculty of «Psychology and pedagogy», Russian new University, Moscow, Russia



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