Prihozhan A.M., Tolstykh N.N. Personality Development Features of Children Raised under Conditions of Maternal Deprivation pp. 5–12 PDF (in rus.) 2561
Avdeeva N.N. Development of Self Image in Orphanage Children during the First Three Years of Life pp. 13–23 PDF (in rus.) 1976
Semya G.V. Psychological Safety of Children Left without Parental Care under the Conditions of Institutionalization or a Substitute Family pp. 24–32 PDF (in rus.) 1204
Tolstykh N.N. Some Issues of Motivation and Time Perspective of Orphaned Children from Orphanage pp. 33–43 PDF (in rus.) 1326
Egorova M.A. Psychological Tools of Socio-Cultural Development of Preschoolers in an Orphanage pp. 54–63 PDF (in rus.) 1359
Zakharova A.V. Learning Ability Profiles of Orphans with Mental Retardation as a Condition for the Development of Psychological School Readiness pp. 64–73 PDF (in rus.) 1016
Golerova O.A., Gurova E.V., Kharchenko E.V. Study of Orphans’ Ideas of the Structure of Supporting Environment Based on the Method of Family Board pp. 83–93 PDF (in rus.) 1087