Psychological Science and Education

[Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie]
WoS Scopus


Anniversary Dates

● All articles (7)


● All articles (1)

Best Regional Practices

● All articles (5)

Clinical and Special Psychology

● All articles (52)

Criticism and Bibliography

● All articles (2)

Developmental Psychology

● All articles (318)


● All articles (5)

Educational Psychology

● All articles (355)


● All articles (1)

Family Psychology

● All articles (20)

From the Editor

● All articles (16)

General Psychology

● All articles (20)

History of Psychology

● All articles (11)

Innovative Models

● All articles (17)

Interdisciplinary Researches

● All articles (7)

Interviews and Essays

● All articles (2)

Juridical Psychology

● All articles (10)


● All articles (5)

Memorable Dates

● All articles (3)

Models of Working with Vulnerable Children

● All articles (3)


● All articles (3)


● All articles (1)

Non-profit Organizations in Implementation of the National Strategy on Action for Children

● All articles (2)


● All articles (2)

Pedagogical Education

● All articles (62)

Perspectives of Inclusive Education

● All articles (53)

Psychological Counceling

● All articles (1)

Psychological Diagnostics

● All articles (35)

Psychological Well-Being

● All articles (6)

Psychology at School

● All articles (37)

Psychology of Crisis Situations

● All articles (1)

Psychology of Giftedness

● All articles (14)

Psychology of Professional Activity

● All articles (25)

Reports and Conferences

● All articles (3)

Reviews of Literature

● All articles (6)

Safety of the Educational Environment

● All articles (15)

Scientific Life

● All articles (6)

Scientific Schools

● All articles (1)

Social Psychology

● All articles (25)

State Policy in the Sphere of Child Protection: Outcomes and Perspectives

● All articles (7)

Topical Reports

● All articles (3)

Training for Working with Vulnerable Children

● All articles (2)

Working with Vulnerable Children: Research and Practice

● All articles (3)