Психологическая наука и образование (2020. Том 25. № 4 С. 40–50)
Публикации в журналах портала PsyJournals.ru 4
Бредиките М.
Культурно-историческая психология (2010. Том 6. № 4 С. 11–18)
Хаккарайнен П., Бредиките М.
Психологическая наука и образование (2010. Том 15. № 3 С. 71–79)
Хаккарайнен П., Бредиките М.
Культурно-историческая психология (2008. Том 4. № 4 С. 2–11)
Другие публикации автора
Статьи в зарубежных журналах:
- Bredikyte, M. & Hakkarainen, P. 2004. Developmental Transition to School Learning: Challenges and Possibilities. Journal of Teacher Education and Training. Vol. 4, 57 – 67.
- Bredikyte, M. & Hakkarainen, P. 2004. Vertical integration in Developmental Teaching. Pedagogika, Vol. 42, (70), 76-80.
- Bredikyte, M. 2002. Dialogical Drama with Puppets as a Basis for Teachers’ and Children’s’ Creative Interaction [In Lithuanian]. Tiltai, Vol. 6, (3), 107-114.
- Bredikyte, M. 2001. From Dialogical Drama with Puppets to the Creation of Narratives [In Lithuanian]. Tiltai, Vol. 5, (4), 42-47.
- Bredikyte, M. 2000. Dialogical Drama with Puppets – a Method of Fostering Children’s Creativity [In Lithuanian]. Pedagogika, Vol. 38, (44), 138-150.
Международные монографии и публикации на конференции:
- Bredikyte, M. & Hakkarainen, P. 2004. Developmental Transition to School Learning: Challenges and Possibilities. In Veisson, M. (ed.) Sustainable Development. Culture. Eduction. Tallin, Estonia, 9-25.
- Bredikyte, M. & Hakkarainen, P. 2002. Making sense with curriculum. In Niinistö, K. et al. (eds.) Developing Teacher Education in Estonia. Turku, 171 – 184.
- Bredikyte, M. 1998. Stimulation and encouragement of children’s pretense play in the classroom (2-6 years of age) // Culture and human development: contradictions and challenges in the transformation of social practices. Tartu, Estonia, 4-7.
- Bredikyte, M. 2000. Dialogical Drama with Puppets (DDP) as a Method of Fostering Children’s Verbal Creativity [In Lithuanian]. Vilnius, Lithuania: VPU Press. Doctoral thesis, Vilnius Pedagogical University.
Другие научные публикации
- Bredikyte, M. 2000. Dialogical Drama with Puppets and Children’s Creation of Sense. ERIC Resume for ED447906
- Bredikyte, M. 2000. Dialogical Drama with Puppets (DDP) as a Method of Fostering Children’s Verbal Creativity [In Lithuanian]. Vilnius, Lithuania: VPU Press. Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation, Vilnius Pedagogical University.
- Bredikyte, M. 1998. Puppets in 3-6 year olds classroom – as means fostering children’s creative role play [In Lithuanian]. A paper at the International Conference on Early Childhood Education in Klaipeda, Lithuania, 128-131.
- Bredikyte, M. 1998. Stimulation and encouragement of children’s pretense play in the classroom // Culture and Human Development: Contradictions and Challenges in the transformation of social practices. A paper at the Seminar for the doctoral students from Nordic and Baltic countries, Tartu, Estonia, 4-7.
- Bredikyte, M. 1997. Puppet theatre in the preschool classroom – a means to stimulate children’s creative self-expression [In Lithuanian]. A paper at the 1st Conference of doctoral students in Vilnius, Lithuania, 83-86.
Статьи в профессиональных журналах:
- Bredikyte, M. 2006. How drama methods can support the development of young children’s competences? [In Lithuanian]. Zvirbliu takas, No 3, 33-38.
- Bredikyte, M., Hakkarainen, P. 2005. Narrative teaching and learning [In Lithuanian]. Zvirbliu takas, No 4, 12-17.
- Bredikyte, M. 2004. Role of Play in Child’s Life [In Lithuanian]. Zvirbliu takas, No 4, 6-11.
- Bredikyte, M. 2001. Verbal Creativity of Preschool Children [In Lithuanian]. Zvirbliu takas, No 2, 28-33.
- Bredikyte, M. 1999. Playing a Fairy-tale with Puppets in Preschool Classroom [In Lithuanian]. Zvirbliu takas, No 3, 35-41.
Другие публикации
- Two chapters in Lithuanian state early childhood curriculum: "Links of Education for Teachers and Parents" (aged 3-6 years), chapters: Creative drama, Celebrating Holidays with children (1992, 1993)
Участие в международных конференциях и семинарах (электронные и бумажные доклады):
- Bredikyte, M., Hakkarainen, P. 2007. Symbolic tools of learning and development in early age // 35th NERA Congress: Abstract and paper presentation,Turku, Finland.
- Bredikyte, M., Jakkula, K., Munter, H. 2007. Play development in University teaching: on the basis of the activities in SILMU research laboratory // Kasvatustieteen paivat conference: Abstract and paper presentation, Oulu, Finland.
- Bredikyte, M., Hakkarainen, P. 2007. Cultural Development of the Child through Narrative Learning // A European and International Symposium on research carried out into evaluating the impact of arts and cultural education on children and young people: Abstract and paper presentation, Paris, France.
Website http://www.centrepompidou.fr/streaming/symposium/en/session3.htm - Bredikyte, M. 2006. Play as a form of children’s community // 16th EECERA Conference: Abstract and paper presentation, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Bredikyte, M. 2006. Story Damatization and Creative Play // Imaginary Education Research Symposium: Abstract and paper presentation, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
Website http://ierg.net/confs/papers.php?cf=3 - Bredikyte, M. 2005. Creative Acts in Play as a Unit of Child Self-Development, Ist ISCAR Congress: Abstract and paper presentation, Sevilla, Spain.
- Bredikyte, M. 2004. Dialogical Drama and play. Juhlasymposium in Rauma, Finland.
- Bredikyte, M. 2004. Play, drama and life. Let’s play seminar in Kajaani, Finland.
- Bredikyte, M., Munter, H. 2004. Creative acts in play activity // 3rd ISCRAT Conference: Abstract and paper presentation, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Bredikyte, M. 2003. Drawing as storytelling // 13th EECERA Conference: Abstract and paper presentation, Glasgow, England.
- Bredikyte, M. 2002. Theoretical knowledge in educational practice // Kasvatustieteen paivat conference, Rovaniemi, Finland.
- Bredikyte, M. 2002. Dialogical Drama with Puppets and children’s cultural creativity // 5th ISCRAT Conference: Abstract and paper presentation, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Bredikyte, M. 2001. Dialogical Drama with Puppets as a means stimulating children’s creative storytelling // 11th EECERA Conference: Abstract and paper presentation, Alkmaar, Netherlands.
- Bredikyte, M. 2000. Dialogical Drama with Puppets and children’s creation of senses // 10th EECERA Conference: Abstract and paper presentation, London, England.
- Bredikyte, M. 1999. Co-creation of sense in Dialogical Drama with Puppets // 9th EECERA Conference: Abstract and paper presentation, Helsinki, Finland.
- Bredikyte, M. 1998. Puppets in the classroom as a means stimulating children’s pretense play (2-6 years of age) // Kasvatustieteen paivat conference, Oulu university, Kajaani, Finland.
- Bredikyte, M. 1998. Step-by-Step program in Lithuanian primary classrooms [In Lithuanian]. International Conference Primary school in democratic society. Siauliai, Lithuania.
- Bredikyte, M. 1998. Puppets in 3-6 year olds classroom – as means fostering children’s creative role play [In Lithuanian]. International Conference on Early Childhood Education in Klaipeda, Lithuania.
- Bredikyte, M. 1998. Stimulation and encouragement of children’s pretense play in the classroom // Culture and Human Development: Contradictions and Challenges in the transformation of social practices: Seminar for the Nordic and Baltic countries doctoral students, Tartu, Estonia.
- Bredikyte, M. 1997. Puppet theatre in the preschool classroom – a means to stimulate children’s creative self-expression [In Lithuanian]. The 1st Conference of doctoral students in Vilnius, Lithuania.