Adaptation of First-Year Students to Study at a Pedagogical University within the Framework of Educational Practice



The article is devoted to the urgent problem of adaptation of first–year students - future physics teachers to university education. The relevance is confirmed by the fact that it is based on the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which, among other things, states the need to achieve a high quality of education without compromising the health of students. The concept of “adaptation of students”, factors and a set of problems of a first–year student are considered. The components of adaptation in the educational process in teaching physics are presented: psychological and social, health-preserving, ergonomic, content-procedural — on which we can work to a greater extent at the Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics. The results of the survey and diagnostics made it possible to identify the difficulties experienced by future physics teachers in the first year of study, which makes it possible to create conditions for the adaptation of first-year students to the university format of educational and cognitive activity. Recommendations for organizing the process of adaptation of first–year students — future teachers of physics — to study at a university within the framework of educational practice are highlighted.

General Information

Keywords: adaptation, first-year students, future teachers, teaching physics, educational practice

Journal rubric: Axiological and Personality-Oriented Basis of Cooperation and Interaction of Educational Environment Subjects

Article type: scientific article


Funding. The work was carried out with the support of the Shadrinsky State Pedagogical University under the contract for the performance of research works dated 06/14/2023 No. 16-441 on the topic “Adaptive orientation of the methodology of teaching the discipline “Elementary Physics” to students of a pedagogical university” No. SHK-04-2023/1 dated 04/20/2023.

Received: 10.05.2023


For citation: Antonova N.A. Adaptation of First-Year Students to Study at a Pedagogical University within the Framework of Educational Practice [Elektronnyi resurs]. Vestnik prakticheskoi psikhologii obrazovaniya = Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education, 2023. Vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 63–78. DOI: 10.17759/bppe.2023200205. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Nadezhda A. Antonova, Lecturer, Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, South-Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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