Ananyeva K.I., Barabanschikov V.A., Demidov A.A., Kharitonov A.N. Problems in the development of experimental psychology (Field meeting of the Bureau of the Department of Psychology and Developmental Physiology of Russian Academy of Education) pp. 5–27 PDF (in rus.) 1517
Barabanschikov V.A., Zhegallo A.V. The perception of facial expression in the Thatcher illusion pp. 28–41 PDF (in rus.) 851
Samoylenko E.S., Melkumyan T.A. Comparison of similar visual objects in different contexts pp. 42–58 PDF (in rus.) 946
Pereverzeva D.S. Features of visual identification of 3–7 years old children with ASD pp. 59–73 PDF (in rus.) 1701
Galkina T.V., Markina O.S. Correlation of reflection and creative activity in «I real» and «I ideal» pp. 74–85 PDF (in rus.) 2091
Ratanova T.A. Reaction time in the system of study of the nature of intelligence and special abilities pp. 86–96 PDF (in rus.) 1424
Vasanov A.Y., Marchenko O.P., Mashanlo A.S. Approbation of standard measures of emotional pictures from IAPS system on Russian sample pp. 126–132 PDF (in rus.) 1345
Okutin O.L., Okutina G.Y. The main characteristics and features of application of the Primelec hardware for research of eye micromovements (Report on the visit to the Chair and the Laboratory of Neurology, Сlinic of Zurich University) pp. 133–140 PDF (in rus.) 732