Preparation for Employment of Youth with Mental Disorders within the Framework of a Gastronomic Model Platform (GAMP): Evaluation of the Training Program's Effectiveness



This article presents a comprehensive study on the efficiency of a cooking skills training program for young adults with mental disabilities, conducted at the Gastronomic Model Platform (GAMP) of the Regional Non-commercial Organization "Center for Curative Pedagogy". The study hypothesized that this training would enhance the professional skills and life independence of students with mental disorders, facilitating successful employment and participation in work activities. Twenty-three GAMP students with varying levels of mental disabilities participated in a pre-post test study to assess changes in professional competencies and independence. The results confirmed the hypothesis regarding the improvement of professional skills during the GAMP training process (t(21)=-2,97; p=0,007). However, while indicators of independence significantly increased for some students, the overall hypothesis of increased independence was not statistically confirmed. This may be attributed to the fact that individuals with severe disabilities often show improvements in independence primarily in familiar environments and with the support of an accompanying person.

General Information

Keywords: young adults with mental disorders; work activities; professional skills; independence; comprehensive research; zone of proximal development

Journal rubric: Psychology of Education

Article type: scientific article


Funding. The research is carried out with the financial support of the Sberbank Charitable Foundation "Investment to the Future". IS/09-2021 agreement on the provision of a targeted grant within the framework of the implementation of the charity program "Inclusive Environment" dated October 05, 2021

Received: 31.08.2024


For citation: Karpova N.A., Zakharova E.S., Shvedovskiy E.F. Preparation for Employment of Youth with Mental Disorders within the Framework of a Gastronomic Model Platform (GAMP): Evaluation of the Training Program's Effectiveness [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psychological-Educational Studies, 2024. Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 197–210. DOI: 10.17759/psyedu.2024160312. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)

Full text

Introduction. Description of the Model Site GAMP

This article presents the results of a comprehensive study evaluating the effectiveness of a culinary skills training program for young people with intellectual disabilities, organized at the Gastronomic Model Platform (GAMP) of the NGO “Center for Therapeutic Pedagogy.”

Studies show that young people with intellectual disabilities often have negative experiences with employment [12, p. 86]. When faced with difficulties, they often give up on further training or job opportunities. This suggests insufficient preparedness for employment and underdeveloped competencies that contribute to such preparedness (not only professional skills but also social and communication skills, enabling them to effectively resolve problematic situations arising during work). According to a review of studies conducted by the "Naked Heart Foundation," one of the key predictors of successful employment for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/or intellectual disabilities is adaptive skills [12, p. 53], which include daily living skills (such as personal hygiene), behavior regulation skills, social skills (ability to follow social norms and rules), and conversational and communication skills. International studies also emphasize the need to develop more autonomous functioning in daily living, communication, and social spheres to improve the quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities [14; 18]. Moreover, the importance of developing independence in both daily and social skills (e.g., overcoming difficulties) is highlighted as essential for involvement in employment [17; 19].

We believe that the readiness of young people with intellectual disabilities for work is closely related to how their education is organized [2; 4; 5; 10]. At GAMP, students learn culinary skills in a professional kitchen setting that closely resembles real work, but they do so with the support of professionals: professional chefs, educational psychologists, and support specialists. GAMP includes students with various diagnoses and varying degrees of disability. All are involved in a unified food preparation process where each person performs a task suitable for their abilities: some complete a whole sequence of operations, while others focus on a single but important task. This organization of the educational process helps, on the one hand, to build stable motivation in students who feel part of a single workshop and, on the other hand, to individualize each student's educational path, selecting tasks within their zone of proximal development. Motivation is further enhanced by the nature of culinary workshops, as preparing food touches on different human needs: both neurobiological and sociocultural [15; 16].

Each student attends GAMP training sessions 1 to 4 times a week, following an individual educational plan. The plan integrates professional skills training with psychological-pedagogical support during the learning process. The professional skills training begins with a set of skills individually tailored to the student's interests and abilities. GAMP offers four training areas:

  • Training in basic culinary skills necessary for simple auxiliary tasks in the kitchen and for self-care in daily life.
  • Training in professional (advanced) culinary skills: more complex culinary skills that students learn as they progress, preparing them for work in a professional kitchen.
  • Training in baking and confectionery skills: baking and pastry-making skills learned by some GAMP students.
  • Training in serving skills: skills for working at a serving line, washing dishes, and cleaning, which are also part of GAMP’s curriculum for certain students.

The psychological-pedagogical support program is also developed individually. Students are recommended either individual or group support during their workshop activities. To develop life competencies, students may be recommended to participate in social skills training, individual psychological or remedial education sessions.

Research Organization

With the support of the "Contribution to the Future" foundation, we conducted a comprehensive study aimed at confirming the effectiveness of the GAMP training program for developing professional skills and promoting more autonomous functioning in key areas of life: daily living, communication, and social interactions. The research hypothesis was that GAMP training improves these characteristics in participants.

The study involved 23 individuals with intellectual disabilities who regularly attended GAMP (13 men and 10 women) aged 19 to 42 years. Ten participants lived with their families, while 13 resided in training apartments. Twenty-two participants had intellectual disabilities of varying degrees of severity, from mild to severe intellectual impairment. In three cases, the intellectual disabilities were caused by genetic syndromes. Two participants had schizophrenia spectrum disorders, three had autism spectrum disorders, and one had epilepsy.

The study was conducted from spring 2022 to summer 2023. Participants underwent two assessments: a pre- and post-evaluation of their professional skills and a two-phase assessment of their level of independence and need for support in key areas of life.

Professional skills were assessed using a checklist developed by GAMP specialists, based on a system of independence indicators created by the "Center for Therapeutic Pedagogy and Differential Learning" of the Pskov Region [1]. The checklist consists of three main sections and two additional sections, each evaluating five skills. The main sections assess skills that all 23 study participants were trained in (safety skills, basic culinary skills, and professional culinary skills). The additional sections evaluate skills learned by only 11 of the 23 participants (serving skills and baking skills). Each skill is rated on a five-level scale of proficiency, corresponding to levels of independence in performing the tasks. An example of such an assessment is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Descriptive Evaluation of Vegetable Washing Skills Proficiency

Skill Rating Explanation
Section B – Basic Culinary Skills    
2B. Washing Vegetables 0 – Does not perform (refusal or lack of engagement) 0 – Cannot wash vegetables
  1 – With significant help 1 – Washes vegetables with significant help (requires physical assistance to handle the vegetables correctly)
  2 – With partial help 2 – Washes vegetables following instructions, with quality checks
  3 – Independently, but with periodic control 3 – Washes vegetables independently, but quality checks are necessary (may miss a dirty spot)
  4 – Independently 4 – Washes vegetables independently

The degree of independence in daily living, communication, and social spheres was assessed using the "Evaluation of the Degree of Independence and Required Support for Persons with Mental Disabilities" questionnaire, developed and tested by the "Federal Scientific Center for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons named after Albrecht" of the Russian Ministry of Labor [13]. This tool, approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor, evaluates independence across major areas of life. It includes questions addressed to the respondent, interviewer, and individuals well-acquainted with the respondent (family members, legal representatives, staff). The total independence score is then determined based on the degree of difficulty in four categories: minimal (I), moderate (II), significant (III), and very significant (IV) impairments. Full independence (no impairments) can also be identified. An adapted version of the questionnaire, using symbols and images, was used for individuals with limited or no speech.

Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel 2013 and Jamovi 2.3.6 software, applying paired t-tests (Student's t-test) with significance evaluated at p<0.05.

Study Results

When comparing the results of the two assessments on the cumulative scale for the three main checklist sections, 11 out of 23 participants showed positive dynamics. Additionally, 7 participants demonstrated positive dynamics on the additional scales, meaning that 18 out of 23 participants showed improvement in at least one assessed skill [7].

However, the changes in the independence levels were less clear. Out of the 23 participants, 10 showed improvement, 10 worsened, and 3 remained the same.

A statistical comparison of the study’s indicators for the 22 participants (one participant's data was excluded due to outlier results) is presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Results of Statistical Analysis for Study Variables (n=22)

Indicators First Assessment Second Assessment Student's t-test Results
Independence Difficulty (Mean ± SD) 67.27 ± 21.24 64.23 ± 25.83 t(21)=0.80; p=0.431
Professional Skills Proficiency (Mean ± SD) 42.86 ± 8.58 44.05 ± 8.01 t(21)=-2.97; p=0.007*

As shown in Table 2, the degree of autonomy difficulties decreased between the two assessments (67.27 in the first assessment and 64.23 in the second), while the proficiency in professional skills increased (42.86 in the first assessment and 44.05 in the second). These results support our hypothesis about the improvement of these indicators.

However, the statistical comparison using the Student's t-test shows that while the improvement in professional skills is statistically significant, the changes in autonomy difficulties are not.

Thus, the use of the Student's t-test confirms the hypothesis about the improvement of professional skills due to the program but does not confirm the hypothesis about the program's impact on increasing autonomous functioning.

Discussion of Results

The results can be explained by the fact that our program primarily focuses on developing professional skills. The degree of students' independence is influenced by many factors, leading to more ambiguous results.

We have not abandoned the hypothesis that our program may be one of several factors influencing autonomy, and we believe there is a link between the development of professional skills and the reduction of autonomy difficulties. To confirm this link, we conducted a correlation analysis using Pearson's correlation coefficient for both the first and second assessments. The results showed a significant inverse linear correlation between the proficiency of professional skills and autonomy difficulties in both cases: r=-0.54 (p=0.01) in the first assessment and r=-0.72 (p<0.001) in the second.


The findings confirm the hypothesis that the GAMP culinary skills training program improves professional skills among young people with intellectual disabilities and indirectly contributes to reducing autonomy difficulties. Despite the lack of statistically significant results on autonomy improvements in our study, the positive trends in independence observed in some participants suggest the need for further research.

The next step should be a detailed qualitative analysis of the individual training processes for each participant to investigate how the development of professional skills may influence personal autonomy across various life spheres. Further research on the link between these indicators would allow for the creation of even more effective training programs aimed at enhancing both professional competencies and independence for young people with intellectual disabilities.


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Information About the Authors

Nadezhda A. Karpova, Psychologist, Regional Non-commercial Organization "Center for Curative Pedagogics ", Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Elizaveta S. Zakharova, Methodologist, Regional Non-commercial Organization "Center for Curative Pedagogics", Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Evgeniy F. Shvedovskiy, methodologist of the Federal Resource Center for Organization of Comprehensive Support to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, researcher of the Laboratory of Comprehensive Language Research in Children with Autism & Developmental Disorders, executive secretary of the Journal "Autism & Developmental Disorders", Moscow State University of Psychology & Education; junior researcher of the laboratory of clinical psychology, Mental Health Research Center; Neuropsychologist, Center of Health & Development of St.Luke; neuropsychologist, ABA-Center "My Planet", Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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