Влияние обучения жизненным навыкам на удовлетворенность браком и решение семейных проблем у домохозяек в Иране



Background and objective: Family is the most important and suitable system to resolve physical, psychological, and spiritual requirements of human being. Today, In spite of some cultural shifts and life style changes, many of the individuals, encountering life problems lack the basic and required abilities which result in family dissatisfaction and inability due to marital life's stresses that create problems and significant challenges in family system. For this reason,a better and more effective life skill training for the family members was focused specifically for housewives who have the main role in housekeeping and life problems' management. Thus, the present study investigates the effectiveness of life skill training on marital satisfaction and housewives' problem solving procedures. Materials and methods: In this research which is the experimental and two-group pretest- posttest,38 individuals(19 for test group-19 for control group) participated in a continues ten-session period of life skill training classes. Enrich marital satisfaction scale (short form) and Kisdy and Long problem solving scale performed in group form, were the tests used in this study. Results: The results of data analysis, using the independent-T test for a comparison between the scores in test-group in pre and post test represented that life skill training is effective in increasing marital satisfaction (P< 05/0 ) and promoting problem solving skills in four styles of avoidance, inabil- ity, nearness, and creativity (P<05/0 ). Moreover, in the two other styles (problem management and trust in problem solving), differ- ences were not significant. A comparison between the scores in post test, in test-group and control group showed that the effect of life skill training on marital satisfaction was not a significant diffe r- ence, but regarding the problem solving variable in four styles (inability, nearness, creativity and trust in problem solving) was significant in 0/05 but not in two other styles (avoidance and problem man- agement). In addition, the results of the present research indicate a mild improvement of considered variables in these groups in consequence of life skill training. Conclusion: considering the results of the present study, it is mandatory to administer life skill training in all organizations and institutes more seriously and systematically, for the sake of increasing the couples' marital satisfaction and effective encounter with obstacles in order to prevent the pro b- lems in individual, family and society.

Общая информация

Ключевые слова: life skills, marital satisfaction, problem solving

Рубрика издания: Психология

Тип материала: научная статья

Для цитаты: Мусави В., Ханзаде А.Х., Джавади З., Голандам А.К. Влияние обучения жизненным навыкам на удовлетворенность браком и решение семейных проблем у домохозяек в Иране // Социосфера. 2012. № 1. С. 41–46.

Фрагмент статьи

Семья – первая и самая маленькая единица общества, в которой человек обучается социальному и совместному стилю жизни. У него формируется культурная и социальная личность. Здоровый человек – продукт здоровый семьи, а здоровый социум напрямую связан с семьёй (Аламолхода, 2008). Семья – самая важная система для удовлетворения материальных и духовных потребностей и самое важное место для психологического здоровья, воспитания нового поколения.


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Информация об авторах

Мусави В.

Ханзаде А.Х.

Джавади З.

Голандам А.К., Гилянский государственный университет



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