Культурно-историческая психология (2018. Том 14. № 3 С. 43–56)

Саннино Анналиса
PsyJournalsID: 2160
профессор, Университет Тампере, Тампере, Финляндия, annalisa.sannino@helsinki.fi
член редколлегии научного журнала "Психологическая наука и образование"
Дата последнего обновления: 31.05.2024
Публикации в журналах портала PsyJournals.ru 1
Публикации в сборниках портала PsyJournals.ru 1
Другие публикации автора
Статьи в научных журналах
- Sannino, A. (in press). Teachers' talk of experiencing: Conflict, resistance and agency. Teaching and Teacher Education.
- Engeström, Y. & Sannino, A. (in press). Studies of expansive learning: Foundations, findings and future challenges. Educational Research Review.
- Sannino, A. (2008a). Sustaining a non-dominant activity in school: Only a utopia? Journal of Educational Change, 9(4), 329-338.
- Sannino, A. (2008b). Experiencing conversations: Bridging the gap between discourse and activity. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 38(3), 267-291.
- Sannino, A. (2008c). From talk to action: Experiencing interlocution in developmental interventions. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 15(3), 234-257.
- Sannino, A. & Nocon, H. (2008d). Introduction: Activity theory and school innovation. Journal of Educational Change, 9(4), 325-328
- Sannino, A. (2006). Analyzing discontinuous speech in EU conversations: A methodological proposal. Journal of Pragmatics, 38(4), 543-566.
- Sannino, A. & Trognon, A. (2004). Un'introduzione alla Logica Interlocutoria: Come studiare l’interlocuzione per accedere alle dinamiche generative del pensiero e dei rapporti sociali. [Introduction to Interlocutionary Logic: How to study interlocution in order to access to the generative dynamics of thinking and social relationships]. Ricerche di Psicologia, 27(4) 143-174. (in Italian)
- Sannino, A., Trognon, A., Dessagne, L., Kostulski, K. (2001). Les connaissances émergeant d'une relation tuteur-apprenti sur le lieu de travail [Knowledge emerging from a relationship between tutors and apprentices in the workplace]. Bulletin de Psychologie , 54(3), 453, pp. 261- 273. (in French)
Книги и сборники, вышедшие под редакцией
- Sannino, A. & Sutter, B. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Cultural-historical activity theory and interventionist methodology: Classical legacy and contemporary developments. Theory & Psychology.
- Sannino, A., Daniels, H. & Gutierrez, K. (Eds.) (2009). Learning and expanding with activity theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sannino, A. & Nocon H. D. (Eds.) (2008). Activity theory and school innovation. Special issue of Journal of Educational Change, 9, 4.
- Ajello, A.M., Engeström, Y., Sannino, A., Tuomi-Gröhn, T. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Apprendere tra scuola e lavoro [Learning between school and work]. Bologna: Il Mulino. (in Italian)
Главы в книгах
- Sannino, A. (in press). Breaking out of a professional abstraction: The pupil as materialized object for teacher trainees. In V. Ellis, A. Edwards & P. Smagorinsky (Eds.), Learning teachers: Cultural-historical perspectives on teacher education and development. London: Routlege.
- Sannino, A., Daniels, H. Gutierrez, K. (2009). Editors’ introduction. In A. Sannino, H. Daniels & K. Gutierrez (Eds.), Learning and expanding with activity theory (pp. xi-xxi). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sannino, A., Daniels, H. Gutierrez, K. (2009). Activity theory between historical engagement and future-making practice. In A. Sannino, H. Daniels & K. Gutierrez (Eds.), Learning and expanding with activity theory (pp. 1-15). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sannino, A. (2005). Cultural-historical and discursive tools for analyzing critical conflicts in students’ development. In K. Yamazumi, Y. Engeström & H. Daniels (Eds.), New learning challenges: Going beyond the industrial age system of school and work (pp. 165-195). Osaka: Kansai University Press.
- Sannino, A. , Trognon, A. & Dessagne, L. (2003). A model for analyzing knowledge content and processes of learning a trade within alternance vocational training. In T. Tuomi-Gröhn & Y. Engeström (Eds.), Between school and work: New perspectives on transfer and boundary crossing (pp.267-285). Amsterdam: Pergamon.
- Sannino, A. (1998). L’accomplissement interlocutoire et intergestuel d’une interaction en situation de travail [Interlocutionary and intergestural interactions at work]. In K. Kostulski & A. Trognon (Eds.), Communications Interactives dans les Groupes de Travail [Interactive Communications in Working Groups] (p.123-157). Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy. (in French)
- Sannino, A. (2002). L'élaboration des avis dans une assemblée consultative de l'Union européenne: un jeu de langage dans un collectif complexe et en évolution [Developing opinions in a Consultative Assembly of the European Union: Language game of a complex collective in evolution]. Villeneuve D’Ascq : Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. (in French)
Другие публикации
- Sannino, A., Maglione, A., Ammaturo, G., Basile, I., Caputo, M., Ciardi, T., Palmentieri, A., Savoia, M. G. & Stanzione, A. (2002). Formare gli esperti nei processi formativi. Attività del seminario d’orientamento teorico-pratico [Training experts in training processes: Activities of a theoretical and practical orientation seminar], Centro Elaborazione Dati Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano. (Book containing a report and portfolio of a pedagogical experiment, in Italian)
- Sannino, A. (2009). Translation from French of the chapter by Yves Clot “Clinic of Activity: The dialogue as instrument”, in In A. Sannino, H. Daniels & K. Gutierrez (Eds.), Learning and expanding with activity theory (pp. 286-302). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.