Titov R.S. Gordon Allport: The Concept of Personal Religious Orientations pp. 2–12 PDF (in rus.) 6846
Vetoshkina L.P., Goryunova L.N. Fundamentals of Engestrom's Activity-Theoretical Concept of Expansive Learning and Development pp. 13–21 PDF (in rus.) 2106
Meshcheryakov B.G., Shamanina E.A., Allik J. Russians, Mokshans and Erzyans: Analysing Projections of National Characters pp. 33–44 PDF (in rus.) 1747
Pergamenshchik L.A. 'Psychological Laboratory' of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn pp. 45–51 PDF (in rus.) 1211
Vasilevskaya E.Y., Molchanova O.N. Features of Youth Period: Age and Social Historical Context pp. 52–61 PDF (in rus.) 2530
Lukash O.S. Psychological Concepts of Positive Alternatives to Human Estrangement pp. 62–70 PDF (in rus.) 1358
Zinchenko V.P. Psychology of action. The contribution of the Kharkov school of psychology pp. 92–107 PDF (in rus.) 1657