Zakharchenko D.V., Dorokhov V.B. Changes in some parameters of visual-motor reactions under the influence of alcohol pp. 5–21 PDF (in rus.) 943
Korolkova O.A., Zhegallo A.V. The effect of categorical perception of facial expressions: the diversity of manifestations pp. 22–38 PDF (in rus.) 802
Samoylenko E.S., Nosulenko V.N., Starikova I.V. The phenomenon of comparison in the process of referential communication pp. 39–62 PDF (in rus.) 923
Prokhorov A.O., Artischeva L.V. The image of the mental state: dynamic and structural characteristics pp. 63–73 PDF (in rus.) 2215
Pavlova N.D., Peskova E.A. Understanding of intentional speech subtext by a listener pp. 74–82 PDF (in rus.) 786
Valyavko S.M., Averyanova E.V. Methodolody of the study of value orientations of pre-school children: the experience of designing pp. 83–95 PDF (in rus.) 5881
Ikhsanova S.G., Komakov V.V. Psychodiagnostic principles of the formation of the individual educational trajectory of a higher educational institution student pp. 96–101 PDF (in rus.) 2067
Bessonova Y.V. Typology of mental representations of professional tasks of nuclear energy specialists pp. 102–118 PDF (in rus.) 884