Vyrotskova V.V. Foreign studies on socio-psychological aspects of the development of preschoolers’ abilities pp. 6–14 PDF (in rus.) 1482
Vetoshkina S.A. Peculiarities of emotional sphere in orphans: analysis through projective drawing test pp. 15–25 PDF (in rus.) 4133
Meshkova N.V. Research of academic giftedness in foreign studies: socio-psychological aspect pp. 26–44 PDF (in rus.) 3373
Sorokina A.B. Internet in the lives of children and adolescents: problems and resources pp. 45–64 PDF (in rus.) 7540
Ermolova Т.V., Savitskaya N.V. Bulling as a group phenomenon: results of “bulling” studies in Finland and Scandinavian countries over the past 20 years (1994-2014) pp. 65–90 PDF (in rus.) 6076
Florova N.B. Review of dissertation The Genetics of Schizophrenia: Possible Uses and Outcomes of Testing by Lisa Karger pp. 109–122 PDF (in rus.) 1241
Florova N.B. Review of dissertation The Association Of Intelligence, Visual-Motor Functioning, And Personality Characteristics With Adaptive Behavior In Individuals With Williams Syndrome by Juhsin Trista Fu pp. 123–131 PDF (in rus.) 831