Meshkova N.V., Kondratyev M.Y. Working with Gifted Children and Adolescents within the Educational System: A Social Psychological Component pp. 5–25 PDF (in rus.) 1327
Hvostikova V.A. Work Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being in Employees as a Factor of Organisational Effectiveness (On the Example of Foreign Studies) pp. 26–43 PDF (in rus.) 1168
Ilyin V.A., Kondratyev M.Y. Group Pressure and Group Influence: Conformism, Non-Conformism and Self-Determination pp. 44–58 PDF (in rus.) 3905
Chernyshova E.A. Correlation between Students' Personal Constructs and Their Status Position within the Student Group pp. 59–72 PDF (in rus.) 1103
Meshkova N.V. Intergroup Prejudice: Exploring Personality-Related and Situational Characteristics pp. 73–87 PDF (in rus.) 805
Burelomova A.S., Sobkin V.S. Cross-Cultural Analysis of Value Orientations in Contemporary Adolescents pp. 100–112 PDF (in rus.) 1023
Simonenko S.I. Intellectual Abilities in Manager's Success: Correlation between Results of Ability Tests and Assessment Centres pp. 113–125 PDF (in rus.) 807
Groshev I.V., Morozova L.V. Impacts of Shocking Advertising on Consumer Behaviour pp. 142–150 PDF (in rus.) 1922
Radina N.K. Youth Gangs and Subcultures: Reviewing the Projects of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology pp. 151–155 PDF (in rus.) 673