Reznichenko S.I. Attachment to Place and Sense of Place: Models and Phenomena pp. 15–27 PDF (in rus.) 4854
Tatarko A.N. Interpersonal Trust as a Factor of Socio-Economic Development pp. 28–41 PDF (in rus.) 1693
Nartova-Bochaver S.K. The Psychological Sovereignty and Interpersonal Interaction Specificity pp. 42–50 PDF (in rus.) 1779
Sosnova I.V. Social Conditions of Development of Students in School Settings and Features of Their Attitudes to School pp. 51–68 PDF (in rus.) 810
Gorfan Y.Y., Enikolopov S.N. Personality Traits and Attitudes to Age Stereotypes in Elderly People Suffering from Psychological Abuse pp. 69–77 PDF (in rus.) 960
Suslova T.F., Zhuchkova S.M. Research on Life Satisfaction and Life Orientations in Late Adulthood pp. 78–89 PDF (in rus.) 2890
Oparina M.E. Employee Motivation in IT Specialists in the Context of a Dominating Type of Organizational Structure pp. 90–103 PDF (in rus.) 1227
Zivkovic J. Psychological Characteristics of Interethnic Relations in Serbia pp. 104–115 PDF (in rus.) 956
Kondratyev M.Y., Sosnova I.V. Social and Social Psychological Specifics of Private Schooling in Modern Russian Education pp. 116–124 PDF (in rus.) 592
Kondratyev M.Y. Methodological Algorithm of Integral Intragroup Status Definition in Members of Contact Community pp. 125–141 PDF (in rus.) 3085
Verchenova E.A. On the Problem of Applying Sociometric Techniques in Cross-Cultural Research (with Chinese Student Groups as an Example) pp. 142–150 PDF (in rus.) 799
Kochetkov N.V. "Social Psychology of Development": A New Textbook in a New Field of Psychological Science Review of the book "Social Psychology of Development: A Textbook for Bachelor and Master Courses" by N.N. Tolstykh (Editor). Urait, Moscow, 2014 pp. 151–156 PDF (in rus.) 1188
Kondratyev M.Y. O True Head of the Psychological Institute, Where Art Thou? Recollections of the Past with Hope for the Future pp. 157–161 PDF (in rus.) 811