Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education (2023. Vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 55–65)
Nataliya Nicolaevna Vasyagina
PsyJournalsID: 5616
Doctor of Psychology, professor, Head of the Chair of Educational Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Ural State Pedagogical University; Deputy Director, Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance “Lado” (GBU SO TsPPMSP “Lado”), Ekaterinburg, Russia, vasyagina_n@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-3899-3768
Last updated: 30.11.2023
Journal Articles on PsyJournals.ru Portal 6
Vasyagina N.N., Shempeleva N.I., Bulatova N.A.
Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education (2022. Vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 20–28)
Vasyagina N.N., Mazurchuk E.O.
Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education (2019. Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 58–67)
Vasyagina N.N., Minyurova S.A., Pestova I.V.
Psychological-Educational Studies (2017. Vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 48–60)
Vasyagina N.N., Kazaeva E.A.
Psychological-Educational Studies (2016. Vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 63–75)
Maksimova L.A., Minyurova S.A., Vasyagina N.N., Egorova M.A., Gutina G.Y., Emelyanova I.V.
Psychological-Educational Studies (2015. Vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 128–137)