Bezrukavny O.S. Problems of Psychological and Pedagogical Adaptation of Students in Transition to the Main School pp. 1–11 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psyedu.2018100301 1529
Ryabkova I.A. Characteristics of Role Substitution in Preschooler’s Play with Different Materials Psychological-Educational Studies pp. 12–19 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psyedu.2018100302 628
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Sanina S.P. The Role of Modular Education in the Development of Professional Competencies of Applied Bachelor Students pp. 56–69 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psyedu.2018100306 491
Oslon V.N., Celenina E.V. Technology of Post-Institutional Support to Exiters of State-Run Institutions for Orphans in the Process of Obtaining Professional Education and Primary Employment pp. 70–83 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psyedu.2018100307 1626
Mitin A.I. Training in Group Decision Making in Situational Training Centers pp. 84–98 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psyedu.2018100308 425
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Budyakova T.P., Polyakova T.А. Psychological Aspects of Employment of Modern Graduates of High Schools (Round table «Partnership in the Field of Training» Yelets, June 26, 2018) pp. 160–165 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psyedu.2018100314 541