Buslaeva E.L., Vlasova N.V. Motivation and Self-Control Features in Cadets of Ministry of Internal Affairs Universities at Different Stages of Training pp. 2–13 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psylaw.2023130201 381
Ryabova M.G., Kanunnikov R.I. Individual Psychological Characteristics of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies with Different Types of Lateral Brain Organization Profile pp. 14–29 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psylaw.2023130202 370
Martirosova N.V., Korneeva Y.A., Korneeva A.V. The Personal and Business Qualities Features of Police Officers Who Quit in the First Year of Professional Activity pp. 30–48 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psylaw.2023130203 443
Pukhareva T.S., Rudin A.V. Career Orientation of Law Enforcement Officers pp. 49–57 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psylaw.2023130204 417
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Balin V.D., Ilyina V.A. Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Categorical and Conceptual Apparatus of Legal Psychology pp. 70–81 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psylaw.2023130206 299
Kuptsova D.M., Dvoryanchikov N.V. Evaluation of the Value of Physiological Cues to Determining the Salience of a Risk Factor in a Situation of Screening Polygraph Test pp. 82–93 PDF (in rus.) DOI 10.17759/psylaw.2023130207 354
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