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Radina N.K. Power, Attraction and Reference in Macro-level Social Relationships: Closed Group and Closed Society pp. 45–59 PDF (in rus.) 1020
Denisenkova N.S., Vyrotskova V.V. Relationship between Intellectual Abilities and Conflict Competence in Preschool Children in Various Educational Environments pp. 60–67 PDF (in rus.) 1060
Klymchuk V.A. Motivational Discourse of Personality: Quantitative Characteristics and Comparative Analysis pp. 68–83 PDF (in rus.) 1179
Kochetova T.V. Traffic Psychology in Training of Driving Instructors and Drivers: Advanced Training Program for Psychologists pp. 93–102 PDF (in rus.) 985
Bochaver A.A., Zhilinskaya A.V., Khlomov K.D. School Bullying and Teachers' Attitudes pp. 103–116 PDF (in rus.) 6715
Chulkova V.A., Pestereva E.V. Social Psychological Aspects of Cancer in Modern Society pp. 117–126 PDF (in rus.) 2446
Sukhova E.V. Behavioral Response of Tuberculosis Patients to Disease-Associated Stigma pp. 127–138 PDF (in rus.) 1661
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Kondratyev M.Y. Professional Psychological Community: Those Were the Days… pp. 156–164 PDF (in rus.) 994