Ulianova R.K., Ulianov K.N. Description of the work on developing goal-oriented behavior, education and training of the child with severe form of autism pp. 3–18 PDF (in rus.) 1777
Nikitina Y.V., Soldatenkova E.N. Recommendations for professionals of preschool educational facilities on working with children with autism spectrum disorders pp. 19–24 PDF (in rus.) 1964
Pavlova Y.B., Khotyleva T.Y. Year round. Method of speech development and correction pp. 25–32 PDF (in rus.) 1307
Bogorad P.L., Zagumennaya O.V. Tips for teachers and parents: recommendations for doing homework.When? Where? In what mood? pp. 33–37 PDF (in rus.) 942
Erz Y.M., Fala V. The usage of combined system of tokens in managing unwanted behavior of a child with ASD in the preschool group pp. 38–43 PDF (in rus.) 1783
Kukarkina E.B. The case study of teaching greeting skill to the child with ASD pp. 47–49 PDF (in rus.) 1010
Malysheva D.I., Feofanov V.N. The cinematic image of a person with autism spectrum disorder pp. 50–54 PDF (in rus.) 2586