Zabrodin Y.M., Leonova O.I., Voloshina I.A. On the development of professional standards of specialist in the field of educational psychology (psycho-pedagogical students support) PDF (in rus.) 1371
Oslon V.N., Celenina E.V., Shehorina A.V. The professional standard of specialists in rehabilitation work as a mechanism to institutionalize the rehabilitation activities in Russia PDF (in rus.) 2676
Semya G.V. Professional standard of specialist of guardianship and custodianship agency PDF (in rus.) 2265
Zabrodin Y.M., Gayazova L.A. The professional standard of a teacher: the problems of socio-professional discussion PDF (in rus.) 2778
Shulga T.I. Personnel policy directions of specialists in the social sphere (To the problem of professional standards development) PDF (in rus.) 1356
Morozova T. Argumentation functions in solving conflicting situations of social interaction in students of different age PDF (in rus.) 1566
Trulyaev R.A. The effect of teacher’s positive personal resource of features of students’ emotional states PDF (in rus.) 5796
Gorlova N.V., Khasan B.I. Developing and testing a new method “Theme-situations” for the diagnostics of psychological readiness to developmental conflict resolution in youth PDF (in rus.) 1825
Apasova E.V. The level of life meaningfulness in special forces officers: from adolescence to adulthood PDF (in rus.) 1893
Alieva T.I., Trifonova E.V., Rodina N.M., Vasyukova N.E. The development and validation of models for assessing the quality of preschool education PDF (in rus.) 3248
Denisova O.A., Lekhanova O.L., Ponikarova V.N. Additional professional education of teachers for inclusive education of preschool children with disabilities PDF (in rus.) 1896
Chirkina R.V., Aruin S.E. Socialization resources in children and adolescents from Russian speaking migrants in Germany PDF (in rus.) 1546
Karnozova L.M. A new landmark in the strategy for responding to juvenile delinquency PDF (in rus.) 1617
Larin A.N., Konopleva I.N. The practice of working with children left without parental care in foreign developed countries PDF (in rus.) 3375
Oshevsky D.S., Dozortseva E.G., Badmaeva V.D., Chibisova I.A. Social and psychological aspects of criminal juvenile justice in the world practice (Anglo-Saxon model of juvenile justice) PDF (in rus.) 8528
Lukovtseva Z.V. The dynamics of child abuse in the family as a subject of psychological research PDF (in rus.) 2430
Martynova I.R., Oshevsky D.S. Coping strategies in adolescents with accentuation of character, prone to aggression PDF (in rus.) 6636
Novikova Z.D., Dvoryanchikov N.V. Features of the differential diagnosis of persons with gender identity disorders PDF (in rus.) 1776
Dozortseva E.G., Fedonkina A.A. Psychological characteristics of juvenile offenders with personal immaturity PDF (in rus.) 3031
Degtyarev A.V. Designing training programs for the development of emotional intelligence in adolescents with behavioral problems PDF (in rus.) 3472
Dubrovina I.V. Vygotsky's ideas about the content of children's practical psychology PDF (in rus.) 8959