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Enikolopov S.N., Khvostova E.S. Perceptions of incest in the context of different cultures and traditions. Modern state of the problem PDF (in rus.) 343
Oshevsky D.S., Dozortseva E.G., Badmaeva S.V., Chibisova M.Y., Badmaeva V.D., Chibisova I.A. Social and psychological aspects of criminal juvenile justice in world practice (continental models of juvenile justice) PDF (in rus.) 1493
Terekhina S.A. Practice of using tests for cooperative activity in examinations of minors in civil process PDF (in rus.) 1767
Yasnaya V.A., Zamurueva I.I. Time perspective of adolescents with deviant behavior: peculiarities and relation to tolerance for ambiguity and self-esteem PDF (in rus.) 1745
Safuanov F.S., Rusakovskaya O.A. Individual psychological peculiarities of parents as predictors of highly conflict divorces PDF (in rus.) 2675
Dvoryanchikov N.V. Psychological research in sexological expertise of persons accused of sexual offences PDF (in rus.) 1877
Vaske E. Methodological foundations of psychology of interaction between the employees of investigating authorities and minor interrogatees PDF (in rus.) 1279
Kuznetsov D.A., Bulygina V.G. Considering the gender specifics of criminal behavior in forensic psychiatric preventive measures PDF (in rus.) 947
Novikova Z.D., Dvoryanchikov N.V. The problem of diagnostics of gender identity disorders among transsexuals PDF (in rus.) 1611
Logunova O.A., Demidova L.Y., Dvoryanchikov N.V. Typological peculiarities of personality and behavior of serial sexual killers PDF (in rus.) 3069
Kalyagin Y., Konopleva I.N. Socio-psychological interaction of an operative with citizens in the context of countering the illegal drug traffic PDF (in rus.) 928
Borisova S.E. Psychological peculiarities of professional activity of inspectors of road patrol service of the State inspection of traffic security PDF (in rus.) 1545
Bobkova I.E. Problems of professional formation of leaders of structural departments of territorial internal affairs bodies PDF (in rus.) 1299
Bogdanovich N.V., Delibalt V.V., Degtyarev A.V. To the question of justification of the model of the professional activity of legal psychologist PDF (in rus.) 3690
Debolsky M.G., Zelenina M.M. The main ethical problems of psychological research in correctional institutions (review of scientific articles of foreign authors) PDF (in rus.) 4400
Shemyakina O.O. Research of interpersonal conflicts of adolescent development stage PDF (in rus.) 6541
Pimonov V.A. The problem of protecting the subjects of educational process from negative informational and psychological influence PDF (in rus.) 869
Milekhin A.V. Psychological literact as a psychological-pedagogical condition of socialization of senior school pupils PDF (in rus.) 3709
Zharova D.V. Establishment of peoples education in the United Kingdom in the XIX century as a prerequisite for development of educational psychology PDF (in rus.) 2455
Mikhailova E.A. Comparative study of the structure of psychosocial identity of various socio-age-related categories of modern Russians PDF (in rus.) 887
Panasyuk A.S. On some socio-psychological peculiarities of perception of portrait painting PDF (in rus.) 1512